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Love No War In StarDew

By March 7, 2022No Comments

As a guy whose gaming experience has been solely focused on FIFA, Fortnite and 2k, I have not been exposed to mods at all and have really enjoyed learning more about them during this project. They can completely change the narrative and mechanisms of the game providing a wholly nuanced experience for the gamer. As a hopeless romantic, I thought it would be interesting to analyse and hone in on mods that are focused on love in the game. This piece will focus on the gameplay and benefits of both the ‘Free Love’ mod and the ‘Looking for Love’ mod.

To begin, both mods incorporate a liberal/modernist view on love that is reflected through their conditions. For instance, the ‘Free Love’ mod includes a feature where gay pregnancies are permitted, as well as a chance for one to adjust their child’s gender. With gay marriage only becoming legal in 2015 in the US and the US being one of the most developed, liberal countries, the world in many cases is behind on the acceptance of gay relationships, and thus the ability for a gay couple to have a baby on the game is a trailblazing action. I found this aspect of the mod to be really socially positive and appreciated how the game was able to incorporate such important social issues and lessons to its users.

Additionally, another positive aspect of the ‘Free Love’ mod is the happy, unifying sentiment pervading the conditions of the mod. This is apparent in the ‘Prevent Hostile Divorces’ feature where the game feature will prevent acrimonious divorce effects; this idea is extremely positive for the user and goes against the grain of how most divorces end on bad terms. A user may be attracted to playing the game due to their own personal experience with divorce being negative and the option of experiencing a civil divorce. Similarly, in the mod ‘Looking for Love’, there is a feature where one’s children will look like you and your spouse. This is a very realistic twist and again a joyous one because one of the small pleasures of having children is that they will be carrying your genetic formula and will look like you. This small added touch is just another brick in the idyllic wall which these love mods are creating.

Moreover, both mods uphold a sexual element to the gameplay in StarDew; the sexual nature of these mods can attract users to play to compensate their own real life relationships or even in an effort to meet another user who could be a potential partner in real life. ‘Looking for Love’ has bachelor and bachelorette options in the game where dating can take place virtually; with e-dates becoming a recently new opportunity for singles to find love, this addition is a great opportunity for those interested in StarDew who are single, especially because the odds are that you will meet someone who loves the game as much as you do. In addition, in ‘Free Love’, there is a feature named ‘Roommate Romance’ where one’s roommate can act as their spouse and share their bed. First, this feature connotes a liberal, casual view on sex, and again re-emphasises the modern outlook pervading these romance mods. Lastly, there is another feature titled “Percent Chance For Spouse in Bed” with the % chance being 25%. This feature provides the user with an unpredictable scenario of whether their partner will sleep with them in their bed, creating excitement and uncertainty towards the user’s in-game relationship – two factors attracting users to play this mod.

These mods possess many more facets affecting a user’s in-game relationships and dynamics in turn establishing an exciting and constantly changing environment. The mods also provide the gamer with real life love scenarios and situations which the user may have never dealt with before, giving them an opportunity to make in-game decisions which could potentially benefit their own game in real life. A user is constantly learning about love, sex and relationships through this mod and it is always kept exciting through the carefully crafted features of both mods. Overall, these ‘love’ mods can benefit the user and uphold real life advice and relationship education. So if you’re single, maybe download ‘Free Love’ and ‘Looking for love’ and you might just have a little more luck….